Chemical Peel
Rejuvenation, Anti-Ageing
What is a chemical peel
A chemical peel is an aesthetic treatment which can be used on the face, neck, décolleté or hands for rejuvenation, anti-ageing or to treat a specific condition such as acne, fine lines and wrinkles or pigmentation. A chemical solution is applied to the skin, causing a controlled injury and exfoliation resulting in the stimulation of new cells and stronger connective tissue.
Chemical peels may be either superficial, medium or deep. The strength of the peel will determine the amount of downtime thereafter. With some there may be only mild flaking of the skin, in others more significant peeling which requires a longer healing time. The new skin is also temporarily more sensitive to the sun.
There may be many types of chemical skin peels available today, but are they all the same? No. In broad terms, yes, they all have the basic function of boosting exfoliation and skin cell turnover, to allow healthy, new skin cells to grow. But they don’t all give you the exact same result.
Different skin peels work in slightly different ways, so each one gives you a different auxiliary result. This means that we use various skin peels to treat specific skin conditions and achieve certain results.
Chemical Peels are used to treat:
- Ageing skin
- Improving fine lines and wrinkles and assisting with firming and tightening
- Improving skin texture
- Overall rejuvenation
Problematic Skin
- Removal of commedones (black and white heads) and congestion
- Oily skin with enlarged pores
- Mild acne and mild acne scarring – calm aggressive inflammatory reactions in inflammatory acne
- Acne Rosacea
Hyper-pigmentation and scarring
Brightening Pigmented skin caused by:
- Solar Lentigines (UVR induced pigmentation)
- Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)
- Melasma
As the collagen increases, this results in firmer skin with fewer wrinkles. As the high-frequency ultrasound beams are focused on a specific tissue site below the skin’s surface, there’s no damage to the upper layers of the skin and no immediate visible signs of treatment.
Facial treatments:
- Face
- Neck
- Chest
Although Chemical peels are mainly performed on the facial areas, any area on the body can also be treated.
It depends on the type of Chemical Peel applied.
Some Chemical Peels are painless with only a slight tingling and itchy sensation during the application. Other Peels are virtually painless with a minimal burning sensation of the skin soon after the application. There are also Peels that gives the skin a short intense heat and burn. Any discomfort experienced is short and subsides after about a minute or two.
Various degrees of redness may also occur during the treatments but will resolve quickly. Your skin may feel either clean, hydrated, glowing to a little tight and dry, and even feel slightly heat sensitive directly after the treatment for the next 5 – 7 days. This will depend on the type of Chemical Peel that was applied.
Skin shedding of the various Chemical Peels also differ. In some instances, you will experience no visible peeling although microscopic peeling occurs. In other instances, you can experience visible peeling and dry flaking, giving you a downtime of approximately 3 – 7 days. Skin takes a while to repair itself, so you can expect a significant change in skin smoothness, firmness, glow and texture anywhere between day 2 – 7 and your skin will feel hydrated, plumped and glowing.
A Chemical Peel is not a once-off fix. Several treatments over an extended period may be needed to achieve results safely. Also, more than one type of Chemical Peel may be required to achieve results.
The Chemical Peel is usually no longer than 10 minutes, but due to upfront preparation of the skin, the treatment will last any time between 15 – 25 minutes.
Treatment intervals vary by the different types of Chemical Peels. Some of the Chemical Peels may be performed bi-weekly and others may only be performed every 4 weeks. Depending on the client’s concern, Chemical Peels will be recommended 2 x a month, alternatively, the average recommended interval period is approximately 1 x per month.
Due to the rapid cell turn-around of our skin, Chemical Peel intervals should not exceed 6 weeks.
All skin types can be treated. The application of Chemical Peels is not harmful or unhealthy if managed within the treatment protocols.
It is important to note that each Chemical Peel have very distinct pre and post treatment protocols which the client need to adhere to.
A complimentary consultation session of approximately 30 minutes, is required upfront where a comprehensive assessment will be done to determine whether you can proceed with treatments. During this session, expectations and possible contraindications will be discussed, and a plan formulated in accordance to your needs. If you are topically or orally allergic to aspirin, disprin or any related products, or you are pregnant you may not proceed with the Chemical Peel.
For the treatment of pigmentation for skin types 4 – 6, it is compulsory at Canvas Aesthetics to, use Corrective Brighter Concentrate/Brighter Serum and Ovelle Supplement 14 days prior to treatment. This is precautionary and necessary to calm down the additional production of pigmentation, resulting in Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation.
Each Chemical Peel has a specific pre-treatment protocol and will be provided to you by your Aesthetics Therapist; however, an overview of the pre-treatment protocol is as
- NB: Daily full-spectrum sunscreen is essential.
- Stop active topical products 3 days before the peel:
- Retinoids (Vit A) i.e. Correctives RA, Dermaheal Ultra Renewal, Clarity PM, Luminesce Evening Glow
- Home exfoliators – AHA / Alpha Hydroxy Acids and BHA / Beta Hydroxy Acids.
- No tanning/sunbeds 2 weeks prior to treatment.
- No laser/IPL/skin resurfacing treatments 2 weeks prior to treatment.
- For treatment of dry/sensitive skin, it is preferable to use the Serra range for at least 2 weeks prior to the peel – assists with repairing impaired barrier. For dry/combination skins, use Barrier Repair 4 days prior.
- For treatment of pigmentation, use Corrective Brighter Concentrate/Brighter Serum and Ovelle Supplement 14 days prior to treatment (assists with additional production / Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation) – NB:Compulsory for skin types 4 – 6.
Each Chemical Peel has a specific post-treatment protocol and will be provided to you by your Aesthetics Therapist; however, an overview of the post treatment protocol is as follows:
- Minimum post care products are required for 5 days post care treatment (soap-free Cleaner and a Barrier Cream / Serra Restore).
- Avoid direct sun exposure 14 days post peel – risk of hyperpigmentation (PIH).
- DO NOT pick or pull skin! Can cause hyperpigmentation / scarring.
- No waxing/exfoliating/chemical peels/IPL/laser/skin resurfacing/or needling treatments for 2 weeks after treatment. This includes toners and cleaners that contain alpha hydroxy acids.
- Resume normal skin care routine, including products containing Retinoid ingredients – 5 days after the peel.
- Make-up can be worn the following day post peel.
In addition to adhering to strict post treatment protocol and care, the following additional home care routines are advisable for effective and long-lasting results:
- Keeping your skin hydrated and nourished with a quality skin care program and daily application of a full spectrum sunscreen
- Taking appropriate supplements and nutrients
- Maintaining a general healthy lifestyle which includes:
– A healthy and balanced diet
– Daily hydration (minimum of 6 – 8 glasses of water)
– Regular exercising
– Avoid smoking
– A balanced and healthy mind
When will I see results?
Skin takes a while to repair itself, so you can expect a significant change in skin smoothness, firmness, glow and texture anywhere between day 2 – 7 days and your skin will feel hydrated, plumped and glowing.
However, after a mild Chemical Peel, your skin is usually normal and looks and feels noticeably smoother and tighter, giving it a glowing and plumped appearance.
With each additional treatment, you should see incremental improvement in the overall appearance of your skin.
How long will the results last?
The treatment can last up to 12 months dependant on your lifestyle, for example if you are a smoker or like to be in the sun, this can affect the results. A proper skincare regime at home as well as regular Chemical Peel treatments, are essential for optimal and long-lasting results.